Hi!, hope you are having a nice day!
Ok, today I´m going to talk about the changes that I could make to my study programme!

I study architecture, and I think this profesion is very hard and difficult anywhere in the world, but I think it is most dificult in my country because we have had a lot of foreigners who have come to Chile to study architecture in Universidad de Chile and they said the academic load is too heavy, almost every one drop a class, that´s  very sad because every chilean student suffer from  stress, I think it is in  number three of causes of suicides in young people, , this should be a warning for the state of our country, but no one does anything, it is very sad and alarming. I think the faculty of urbanism and architecture of University of Chile should have a better service to students who are in that situation, so thay can help them the way they deserve. In this moment this University does not have the capabilities, and that´s very bad, every student in this faculty is suffering of anxiety or depression beacause of the academic load and no one does nothing, it seems like they don´t even care about their students.

                                               This is me before a delivery in taller :O

But in the positive way, this kind of academic load prepares us to work under pressure, and it help us to work outside the university. As a conclusion, we should have a balance between the work life and the social life, but the university should understand that we are not robots, we are humans who feels and reacts to severals kinds of lifestyles, and the lifestyle of this university is not very balanced, and it should.

Have a nice day,
Marcela Araneda


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